Through The Mediumship of William Stainton Moses
Welcome to Spirit Teachings. Its "author", the Rev. William Stainton Moses, regarded as the man who gave
Spiritualism its "bible" was one of the most remarkable mediums of the last century. Spirit Teachings,
which came through his hand in what is called "automatic writing", is regarded as Spiritualism's greatest
classic. Here, in language of matchless prose, is contained the religious, philosophical and ethical implications
of Spiritualism, as viewed by the spirit world. The communicators, by sheer brilliant logic, compelled their medium
to abandon, stage by stage, his orthodox religious beliefs. They gave clear evidence of their high purpose and
furnished him with irrefutable proofs of Survival. There were twenty-two spirit communicators, headed by one who
signed himself "Imperator".
In his Introduction to Spirit Teachings, this tribute to his inspirers was paid by Moses: "There is no flippant
message, no attempt at jest, no vulgarity or incongruity, no false or misleading statement, so far as I know or
could discover; nothing incompatible with the avowed object, again and again repeated, of instruction, enlightenment
and guidance by spirits fitted for this task." |
Book Cover |
Section 15 |
Forward |
Section 16 |
Table of Contents |
Section 17 |
Stainton Moses' Biography |
Section 18 |
Introduction |
Section 19 |
Imperator's Band |
Section 20 |
Section 1 |
Section 21 |
Section 2 |
Section 22 |
Section 3 |
Section 23 |
Section 4 |
Section 24 |
Section 5 |
Section 25 |
Section 6 |
Section 26 |
Section 7 |
Section 27 |
Section 8 |
Section 28 |
Section 9 |
Section 29 |
Section 10 |
Section 30 |
Section 11 |
Section 31 |
Section 12 |
Section 32 |
Section 13 |
Section 33 |
Section 14 |
Photograph of Stainton Moses |
Photograph of Charles T. Speer |
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Send e-mail about Spirit Teachings to: sam@meilach.com |
(Date Loaded on Internet: May 26, 1996)
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